Cloud Services

Cloud computing has revolutionized the way businesses scale and compete in the rapidly evolving digital economy. At Sorted Solution, we provide comprehensive AWS and Azure cloud engineering services, designed to guide you seamlessly through the complexities of cloud architecture and deployment. Our goal is to ensure that your transition to the cloud is smooth, cost-effective, and secure, enabling you to focus on growing your business without the operational overhead.

Cloud Architecture Design

We work closely with you to define and design a cloud solution that fits your business needs. This includes setting up and configuring your AWS or Azure account to ensure that your cloud infrastructure is optimized for performance, cost-efficiency, and security.

Specialized Engineering Expertise

Our team consists of engineers who specialize in AWS and Azure environments. They have a deep understanding of the vast service and solution offerings of these platforms, which allows us to tailor our support and ensure your cloud infrastructure meets your specific requirements.

Seamless Application Transition

Transitioning applications to the cloud can be daunting. Our engineers will conduct a thorough analysis of your current environment, recommend suitable platform migrations, and manage the migration process. This ensures that your applications operate smoothly on AWS or Azure, with improved scalability and efficiency.

Optimization of Current Workloads

As your business evolves, so should your cloud resources. We provide ongoing support to optimize your workloads, ensuring they remain efficient as technology and your business needs change. This includes regular performance reviews and cost management strategies to keep your operations lean and powerful.

Comprehensive Cloud Benefits

  • Scalability: Easily adjust your resource use to match your business demands, ensuring cost-efficiency by paying only for what you use.
  • Accessibility: Access your business data and operations from anywhere, at any time, facilitating remote work and global business operations.
  • Data Backup and Recovery: Benefit from robust, automated backup and disaster recovery solutions offered by cloud providers to safeguard your business data.
  • Enhanced Security: Take advantage of the advanced security measures implemented by AWS and Azure to protect your data against cyber threats.

Why Choose Sorted Solution for Your Cloud Needs?

Technology is rapidly advancing, and with more companies moving their processes to public cloud services, now is the perfect time to explore what AWS and Azure have to offer. Whether you need server hosting, data processing, or a combination of services, our team is ready to deliver tailored solutions that align with your business goals.

At Sorted Solution, we are committed to being your trusted partner in cloud computing. We understand the challenges and opportunities that come with moving to and operating in the cloud. Our comprehensive cloud support services are designed to ensure that your business harnesses the full potential of AWS and Azure, allowing you to achieve greater operational flexibility, efficiency, and security. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your business thrive in the cloud era.

Ready to take your business technology to the next level?

At Sorted Solution, we specialize in providing comprehensive MSP and IT Consulting services that are designed to streamline your operations and boost your productivity.

Connect with our expert team today by filling out our quick contact form or giving us a call at (206) 316-9990. We’re here to create customized solutions that fit your unique business needs.