New Tech Eastside – Mobile Tech

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Date(s) - 07/18/2017
5:00 pm - 7:30 pm

eBay, Bellevue WA


More than just a meetup, we’re a community that loves and supports people, the Northwest and tech!

+ the crowd:
The Northwest’s smart, fun, creative, innovative tech community – software and application developers, company owners, startup founders, recruiters, hackers, job seekers, executives, investors, community leaders, and people who are new to the area.

+ the speakers:
Founders, leaders & innovators sharing their passion & new tech through 5 minute presentations & 3 minutes of your Q&A. Presenters flow from early stage startups to enterprise companies.

Mason presented by Ravi – Create your own Android device + OS without a hardware team or modifying source code.

Apptentive presented by Mike Saffitz – Our mobile customer experience software helps companies listen to, engage, and retain their customers to boost app ratings, drive downloads & earn loyalty.

T-Mobile presented by Jie Hui – We’re a team of fearless thinkers, doing what other wireless companies said couldn’t be done. We aren’t afraid to break the rules, and we have fun doing it.

+ the format:
Connecting, food & drinks > community building > community shoutouts > sponsor shoutouts > presentations > afterparty

+ the vibe:
Neighborhood block party – fun, friendly & relaxed with complementary food & a no host bar. You’ll laugh, smile, and have a fun night out with 350-500 Seattleites, 100-150 Eastsiders or 100 Tacomans.

+ the experience:
Discover innovative, creative and inspirational new technology (or smarter use of old tech). Could be VR, IoT, Apps, Fintech, Mobiletech, Healthtech, Cloudtech… you get the idea.